Short-Term Stays in Sandy Springs

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Short-Term Care & Seasonal Stays

Short-term stays are temporary accommodations for older adults who need assistance on a temporary or short-term basis. Respite care offers a place to recuperate while recovering from surgery or post-rehabilitation and provides caregivers with much-needed rest. Those who stay at our community short term are able to experience everything our community has to offer.

Let us offer peace of mind for the moments when a little help can make a significant difference for your loved one and family. Find a community near you and request a community brochure today.

Perfect Situations for Short-Term Stays

Short-term stays are tailored to individual needs. Experience the same high-quality care as our permanent residents with a personalized short-term stay (minimum [LENGTH OF TIME]).

During your visit, our dedicated associates will assess your loved one’s needs and create a plan that is right for them:

Short-term support for caregivers

Post-surgery or injury recovery

Peace of mind for families

See Our Approach for Yourself. Visit a Community Today.

Schedule a visit to our community, meet our dedicated associates, and learn how we can provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind.

Discover how a short-term stay can support your loved one.

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