Signature Programs

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Keeping Our Residents Top of Mind

Our signature programs are the cornerstone of our commitment to elevating the lives of our residents. 

We design each of these programs with health, well-being, safety, and enrichment at the top of our minds, helping residents not only live the life they want but continue the life they love. From our unique approach at Lilac Trace Memory Care to our resident initiatives that preserve the safety of our community, every aspect is thoughtfully curated. 

But this is just a sneak peek into what you can expect at our community. Dive deeper into each program we offer and uncover more details about how we enrich lives.

Read on to learn more, or find a community near you today.

Our Resident Programs

Our residents are always our focus.

At our community, we make dreams a reality through our Bridge of Dreams program. Our Directors of Lifestyles bring forgotten wishes to life. We also honor and support veterans through Bridge of Honor, connecting armed forces members, their families, and our organization. 

Learn more about these programs, or schedule a visit today.

The Bridge of Dreams program goes beyond daily activities and amenities to dive into the hearts and minds of our residents.

Through conversations with our residents, our Directors of Lifestyles can materialize wishes long thought forgotten. From riding shotgun in a motorcycle sidecar to learning how to fly a real plane in a professional simulator, Bridge of Dreams is a testament to our commitment to the enduring power of hope and the boundless joy of fulfillment.

The Bridge of Honor initiative connects active-duty and retired veterans and their families with residents and associates across various industries. The goal is to showcase the experience the armed forces provide and the skills they can offer to different organizations and workforces.

Through this initiative, we work to help veterans transition from active duty to civilian life by highlighting the valuable skills and perspectives they acquired during their service.

Bridge University is a purposeful learning program tailored for seniors to promote brain health and social well-being. It offers a variety of activities, like discussions on literature, virtual tours of cultural sites, and hands-on experiences in the arts, music, history, and science. Our programs are led by experts and range from painting to astrophysics, catering to diverse interests.

Bridge Safe

Living a worry-free life hinges on feeling safe and secure in your surroundings. Having a sense of security around you gives you the confidence to enjoy your day and make the most of it.

Bridge Safe is designed to do just that.

These programs take measures to maintain our communities’ safety, bringing everyone peace of mind while helping them lead a stress-free life.

All community entrances feature Accushield kiosks that screen and log associates and visitors before entering our main community areas. This HIPAA-compliant system includes health screening questionnaires, temperature scanning, and even printed health-verified name badges.

It’s an easy-to-use yet powerful way to help our community stay safe and secure.

Our community has robust plans to address various emergencies, exceeding the requirements set by local authorities and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

In an emergency, our crisis management team activates an appropriate plan, including pre-arranged coordination with transportation providers, food vendors, public works, and government officials. We also provide digital communication to keep families updated with up-to-the-minute information.

Visit Our Community Today

From our state-of-the-art emergency response systems to our dedicated lifelong learning opportunities, we are committed to keeping our residents safe and thriving.

Schedule a visit with us today.

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